ke Technical Documentation
Monday, October 17, 2011 General - Build Service Navigator List
Description: This snippet builder constructs the list of services related to a targeted service and is used to created nested elements for navigation menus.
- Service Code: targeted service code (TG_KE_SERVICE if empty - this means that the snippet will use the url service if none provided) - parameter description, parameter possible values if available (we can use lists for the values)
- Username: TG_KE_USER, session's username if empty
- Service Navigator Type: CHILD if empty; possible values: MAIN, PARENT, GROUP, CHILD, LEVEL1,LEVEL2, LEVEL3, LEVEL4
- Service Navigator Group: the navigator group used for the services list, 1 if empty
- Navigator Prefix: the prefix used for the snippet that created the services list, NAV if empty
- No Results Snippet: snippet that contains a fallback if no list is created; if the service has no other services related we can use a snippet to display a message. If no message needed leave blank.
- Order Column
- Order Type
- Order Numeric Flag
For this snippet builder to work you need to create a service navigator too.
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