ke Technical Documentation
Friday, January 28, 2011 Email Marketing - Send Newsletter Form
Usually, the ke websites are ready to send newsletters. In the admin area is a special tab named Send Newsletter which is fairly simple to use.
This tab contains:
- The list of newsletters (for start there are 2 lists, but you can create more using keAdmin):
- Sent Test Newsletter: if you select this radio button a test newsletter is sent to the admin email list configured in keAdmin.
- Main Newsletter: this is the list of users that subscribed to your newsletter.
- Subject input
- Text Content: the text content of the newsletter (it includes only text and links, usually used for the subscribers that cannor receive html content on their emails)
- HTML Content: this is the HTML version of the newsletter, you can create a newsletter template in your favorit editor and then paste the code in this textarea (make sure the View Source checkbox is checked befor inserting the HTML code)
- View source checkbox:
- if checked you can insert HTML code in the textarea.
- when unchecked, you can add text and use the formating buttons above the text area. Also, if you use images and these images are uploaded in the marketing directory, when you uncheck this checkbox your images will load in the textarea.
You can use images in your newsletter by simply uploading them in the marketing directory under youf FTP account or by using the keAdmin feature for uploading files (General tab in main menu -> Images and Files) and in the newsletter content (HTML version) point to the location of this images (
If you want to keep track of the images used in the newsletters you can create different folders in the marketing directory and put the images there:
Example: create a folder named news_01_2011 under the marketing directory and upload there the images used for the january 2011 newsletter. Do not forget that if you create a new folder the link to the images is now