ke Technical Documentation
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 Compare Numbers/Strings
The compare numbers function is used to show or hide content based on the values of a comparison of 2 numbers. The format of the function is as follows:
Function format:
|COMPARE_NUMBERS(number1;number2;val_for_less;val_for_equal;val_for_greater)| , where:
- number1 - can be the value of a numeric field or a hardcoded number
- number2 - the number whith which the comparison takes place (a hardcoded number)
- val_for_less - content to be shown if the number1 is smaller than number2
- val_for_equal - content to be shown if the number1 is equal with number2
- val_for_greater - content to be shown if the number1 is greater than number2
Field |USER_LEVEL| takes the value of 1:
- the content displayed is "normal"
- if |USER_LEVEL| takes the value of 2 the content displayed will be "special"
Function variations:
There is a variation of this function for using it multiple times on a page:
- number1 - can be the value of a numeric field or a hardcoded number
- number2 - the number whith which the comparison takes place (a hardcoded number)
- prefix - used in the keywords
Available keywords:
(content for greater)
(content for smaller)
(content for equal)
(content for greater)
(content for smaller)
(content for equal)
There are some variations of this function, used exclusively on the start repeat functions from the snippets.
Function used only once inside the snippet:
(content for greater)
(content for smaller)
(content for equal)
Funnction used multiple times inside the same snippet:
Available keywords:
Example for multiple usage of the function in the same snippet:
(content for greater)
(content for smaller)
(content for equal)
(content for greater)
(content for smaller)
(content for equal)
The compare string function is used to show or hide content based on the values of a comparison of 2 strings. The format of the function is as follows:
Function format: